Salmon spawning at Rainbow Bend

Underwater video of spawning salmon at Rainbow Bend. from King County DNRP on Vimeo.


The Rainbow Bend Levee Removal and Floodplain Reconnection Project, completed in 2013, was a multi-partner, multi-objective effort to reduce flood risks and improve salmon habitat in the lower Cedar River. The work was done in two phases spanning more than ten years.

In the first phase, King County successfully helped move residents out of harm’s way. Single-family homes and a mobile-home park were threatened with chronic flooding, requiring emergency response and evacuations. King County purchased the flood-prone properties, helped residents relocate to homes in safer places, and then removed the unoccupied dwellings, creating a 40-acre open space.

In the second phase of the project the levee was removed, four logjams were constructed, two new channels and backwater habitat were created, and tens of thousands of native plants were installed. The goal was to improve salmon habitat and floodplain functions and diminish long-term maintenance costs along the trail.

Watch the project video: Restoring Rainbow Bend — Good for People and Fish

Large-scale, multi-objective projects like Rainbow Bend, where old levees are removed or set back, are central to restoring the viability of threatened Puget Sound fall Chinook salmon. At the same time, these projects can reduce flood risks to residents and infrastructure. Following a multi-objective project such as this, effectiveness monitoring is critical to improving the design and outcomes of future projects.

A comprehensive, 10-year monitoring project is underway to determine whether project goals and objectives are being met effectively and efficiently. The monitoring work is focused on changes in the river, large wood, fish habitat, and plant performance. Early results indicate that the project is working well. The channel is migrating again and the river is becoming more complex and suitable for juvenile and adult salmon. The number of juvenile Chinook salmon that can reside in the project site has increased. Adult salmon are spawning at high densities in the largest of the two side channels.

One of the ways King County monitors fish use in project sites is through the use of underwater video. Watching fish underwater allows us to directly observe how they are using their habitat and interacting with each other. In short, it allows us to enter their world and lets them show us what habitats are important.

For an in-depth look at the monitoring details, check out the Monitoring and Maintenance Report, Rainbow Bend Levee Removal and Floodplain Reconnection Project: Monitoring and Maintenance Report.

Salmon recovery work awarded $5.12M in funding from local Cooperative Watershed Management grants

Talk to salmon recovery managers in King County about this year’s round of Cooperative Watershed Management grants, and they’ll describe projects that span the County’s watersheds: Science-based efforts to count out-migrating juvenile salmon; land acquisition for future floodplain restoration projects; noxious weed control and native tree planting along river corridors; and salmon-based educational programs geared for elementary-age kids.

All are important, they say. And all just received a critical boost from this one-of-a-kind grant program, funded each year by the King County Flood Control District.

What makes this grant program so vital, salmon recovery managers note, is not only that it provides needed funds for important projects. The program also brings partners together, enabling them to explore opportunities and set priorities, and acts as leverage for funds at both the state and federal level.

“There’s a lot of interest and a lot of need,” said Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz, salmon recovery manager for the Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed. “At a time when federal and state funding is uncertain, this pot of local funding has been incredibly important in keeping us on track in implementing many of our high-priority projects.”

“The Cooperative Watershed Management Grant Program has been instrumental in helping us build partnerships with the tribes and nonprofits and cities in our county,” said Elissa Ostergaard, the Snoqualmie Watershed Forum salmon recovery manager. “It also brings our partners to the salmon recovery table where we all have to make some hard decisions.”

All told this year, the Flood Control District issued $5.12 million in 42 grants to the four Water Resource Inventory Areas or WRIAs that oversee salmon recovery in King County.

Most of the funding this year – as in years past – supports on-the-ground restoration and protection projects, said Janne Kaje, who oversees the salmon-oriented regional partnerships in the County’s Water and Land Resources Division. But grants will also fund monitoring programs and salmon studies, projects few other sources support, as well as outreach and education.

Particularly important, Janne said, is the fact that the watershed partners – cities, tribes, nonprofits, and other groups – put forward the requests. “It’s not King County that decides what’s best. It’s the people who work in these watersheds who decide what needs to be funded,” he said.

The program has been funded by the Flood Control District since 2012 and, before that, by the King Conservation District. It’s been in existence, in one form or another, nearly 20 years.

“This is local money,” Janne noted. “And that’s important to other funders. It shows that as a community we have skin in the game. I don’t know any other county in the Puget Sound region that has this level of investment.”

So what are the highlights from this year? Here are a handful that stand out from each of the four WRIAs.

Snoqualmie Watershed Forum (WRIA 7)

Elissa calls the $64,512 grant to the Tulalip Tribes for beaver relocation “a win for farmers and a win for salmon.” The project, now in its fourth year, traps lowland beavers considered a nuisance to farmers in the Snoqualmie Watershed and moves them to headwater streams on federal lands, where their “work as ecosystem engineers,” as Elissa put it, is a benefit. Their engineering feats are very useful in headwater streams, where they create pools that provide habitat for juvenile salmon and where the woody material they recruit hosts insects that provide food to the fish. “Our fish evolved with beavers,” Elissa said. “And this is a project that is excellent for fish.”

Another noteworthy grant went to Sound Salmon Solutions, which will use the $99,898 award to conduct 11.4 acres of restoration along the mainstem Snoqualmie River. “It’s so important to plant trees along the banks of rivers, because they create shade, which in turn creates cool water that salmon need,” she said.


Other significant projects include:

  • A $60,000 grant to the Tulalip Tribes to continue the annual monitoring of juvenile salmon outmigration in the Snoqualmie River basin.
  • A $28,431 grant that will enable King County to measure fish density in edge habitats in the Upper Carlson Restoration Project.
  • A $75,000 grant to Forterra to purchase 26 acres of high-quality habitat along the South Fork of the Skykomish River near Baring.

Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8)

A $362,700 grant to Seattle Public Utilities will fund an acquisition project along the Cedar River that Jason called a high-priority, setting the stage for a restoration project that would reconnect the river with its floodplain to provide better habitat for salmon and reduce flood risk in the area. Much of the Royal Arch Reach about 15 miles upstream from the Cedar’s mouth is entirely within the channel migration zone. This acquisition – about a third of an acre – will support ongoing efforts to reconnect the river to its floodplain along this reach.

“That’s the type of work that is the highest priority in our watershed’s recovery plan,” Jason said. “Development in our floodplains has reduced the area where juvenile salmon can rear and grow. The more we can do to open those places back up to salmon, the greater our chances of increasing juvenile salmon survival.”

Another significant project, he said, is a $583,142 grant to the state Department of Natural Resources to remove armoring around Bird Island near the mouth of the Cedar River in Lake Washington, which has taken away critical shallow areas that young salmon need to find food and steer clear of predators before heading out to Puget Sound. The shoreline enhancement project will enable project managers to remove debris, add sand and gravel, install log structures, and plant the shoreline area with native plants – all to create a more natural shoreline.


Other noteworthy projects in WRIA 8 include:

  • Two projects totaling $299,972 to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and King County to fund critical monitoring of juvenile Chinook salmon and spawning adult salmon numbers, providing data that will enable salmon managers to better understand whether or not the watershed’s salmon populations are improving.
  • A $81,312 grant to Forterra to initiate efforts to control invasive Japanese knotweed and restore native plant communities along Bear Creek, a tributary to the Sammamish River, by applying a highly successful model for engaging landowners in controlling invasive species and restoring riparian areas.

The Green/Duwamish Watershed (WRIA 9)

At $882,799, the grant to the City of Kent for the Downey Farmstead Project along the Green River was the largest CWM grant the flood district issued this year. Doug Osterman, the salmon recovery manager for the Green/Duwamish Watershed (WRIA 9), said it’s well-deserved. “This project is the poster child for the way salmon recovery, flood control, and recreation are intertwined.”

The high-visibility project will support Kent’s efforts to construct nearly 2,000 lineal feet of side channel to the Green River, providing rearing and refuge habitat for threatened Chinook and other salmon species. It also provides 130 acre-feet of flood storage to reduce flooding in both urban and agricultural areas near this stretch of the Green.

Floodplain projects in the Lower Green build on previous investments to protect spawning habitat in the upper parts of the watershed. “If we’re going to invest in spawning habitat in the middle Green, investing in rearing habitat in the Lower Green is important,” Doug explained. Salmon coming out of the upper watershed, where the habitat is good, struggle to make it through the gauntlet of the region’s urban areas. “You’re obviously not getting much value (of the upper watershed work) if the fish die before they get to Puget Sound. So this project addresses a major factor in the decline of salmon.”


Other important grants funded in WRIA 9 include:

  • A $250,000 grant for acquisitions along the lower Green River, allowing for future restoration and habitat improvement efforts.
  • A $90,000 grant to the state Department of Fish and Wildlife to operate a smolt trap to measure outmigration of juvenile salmon.
  • A $21,000 grant to Seattle Aquarium’s Beach Naturalist Program, which trains volunteers to engage the public about the importance of the nearshore environment.

The Puyallup/White Watershed (WRIA 10)

WRIA 10, which is only partly in King County, applied for two grants, both of which were funded. One is a $113,050 grant to fund a portion of the construction costs of the Middle Boise Creek Riparian Restoration Project. Boise Creek is a tributary of the White River – and while it’s been heavily modified, it’s also highly productive for salmon, said Stephanie Shelton, a senior ecologist in the County’s River and Floodplain Management Section who leads King County’s salmon recovery efforts in WRIA 10. The other is a $113,050 grant to the Puyallup Tribe to monitor the outmigration of juvenile salmon on the White River, a project that will provide critical data to help target recovery efforts in the watershed.

The White river hosts ESA-listed spring-run Chinook, the last existing early returning or “spring” chinook population in southern Puget Sound, Stephanie said, and restoration efforts are ongoing.

“Unfortunately, we have very little data to help us understand the effects of our recovery work. The information the tribe collects will be invaluable.”


New smolt slide will help salmon navigate aging Locks

New “smolt slides” will help young salmon get through the Ballard Locks more safely on their way to the ocean

The US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) recently installed a new kind of “smolt slide” to help juvenile salmon pass through Seattle’s Hiram M. Chittenden (Ballard) Locks on their out-migration to the ocean.

Compared to older versions, the new slides are safer for the salmon and safer for staff to install. They also include improved sensors to detect fish passing through the facility, providing data critical to understanding how salmon migrate in and out of WRIA 8 (the Lake Washington/Cedar/ Sammamish Watershed) and what may help their recovery.

The work is part of a Planning Assistance to States Agreement between King County (via WRIA 8) and the Corps that shares costs related to monitoring Chinook salmon migration in the watershed. It includes installing detectors at the Locks, capturing and tagging juvenile Chinook, and determining juvenile salmon survival rates through the Lake Washington system.

Salmon face challenges navigating the 100 year-old Locks on their way out of and back into the watershed and the smolt slides are one step toward an easier passage for these iconic and threatened fish.

More news about the Ballard Locks

Hiram M. Chittenden-Ballard Locks Centennial Celebration
“One hundred years ago, The Locks and Ship Canal were built by Seattle and the Corps of Engineers as a commercial navigation route to develop the City of Seattle. Today the Ballard (Hiram M. Chittenden) Locks are the Nation’s busiest with over 40,000 vessels per year [passing through.] Boats ‘lock thru’ 24 hours a day, except during maintenance. In addition, a significant salmon migration passes through the Locks that can total over 100,000 salmon.”

Economic Impacts of the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks
“The Ballard Locks provide $1.2 billion a year in economic impact to our region according to a recent study by the McDowell Group, funded by maritime and industrial businesses, Port of Seattle, City of Seattle, and King County.  The report describes the benefits of reliable operation of the Locks, the potential losses in the event of a failure, and steps needed to repair the 100-year-old facility.”

“Happy 100th birthday, Ballard Locks. Hope you get the repairs you wished for” – KUOW News [AUDIO], June 27, 2017

“Ballard Locks Repairs” – KIRO7 News [VIDEO], June 27, 2017

Farmers, residents, fish and wildlife win in historic Snoqualmie Fish, Farm and Flood accord

On June 12, at the historic Carnation Farms – with it’s expansive views of the lush Snoqualmie Valley for a backdrop – King County Executive Dow Constantine met with the Snoqualmie Fish, Farm and Flood Advisory Committee that has spent more than three years forging the first major agreement in the county to strike a balance between farming interests and salmon recovery.

At the core of the Fish, Farm, Flood agreement is a series of immediate, mid-term, and long-term recommendations for action to address overall Snoqualmie Watershed goals.

“I gave the Fish, Farm and Flood Advisory Committee a difficult assignment: Overcome competing interests to achieve shared goals – and they delivered,” said Executive Constantine. “They produced recommendations that will help us restore salmon habitat, strengthen our agricultural economy, and reduce flood risks.”

Going beyond the decades of acrimony as a result of valuable, but often competing goals, the 14-member Advisory Committee has unanimously endorsed a package of 34 recommendations to address specific watershed goals and actions that will improve the watershed for people, businesses, and fish and wildlife.

Among the top priority actions are achieving less costly and more predictable drainage regulations for farmers, and increasing the pace of salmon recovery efforts in the Snoqualmie Valley. This work includes reexamining drainage and buffer regulations, and developing an agricultural land strategy for the valley.

The collaboration was the result of the King County Council adding a directive in the 2012 King County Comprehensive Plan update to create a watershed planning process for the Snoqualmie Watershed – primarily the lower 30 miles of the valley from Snoqualmie Falls north to the Snohomish County line. This area includes about 14,500 acres of the Snoqualmie Agricultural Production District.

The Advisory Committee has representatives from farming and agriculture, conservation, flooding, and salmon recovery interests, as well as tribal, state and local jurisdictions.

The lengthy timeframe for developing this accord was due in part to the fact that several advisory committee members were busy living with the issues they were addressing, including operating farms, completing habitat restoration work elsewhere in western Washington, responding to flooding, and other important tasks.

While the Committee’s report is the culmination of years of hard work, there is more to be done. Among the committee’s recommendations is creation of three task force groups to carry out follow-up work over the next three years.

Kirkland helps grow green shorelines program

bendich 5417
A beautiful view of the lake from a stunning natural shoreline.

On a beautiful morning in early May, the city of Kirkland announced it would be the first Washington community to sign up as a Green Shores™ for Homes (GSH) city. The announcement was made at the GSH-certified Bendich residence on Lake Washington, lush with native plants and featuring a small beach at the shoreline.

The Bendich property before the Green Shores for Homes makeover and after. The bulkhead was removed to create a more natural shoreline that is better for the environment and fish.


Green Shores™ for Homes, managed by Washington Sea Grant, is a voluntary, incentive-based program to encourage waterfront homeowners, contractors and governments to create sustainable (and salmon-friendly) shorelines for lake and marine shore properties. Often this involves leaving shorelines natural or removing bulkheads or other hard armoring materials.  gsh plaque

Improving lakeshore habitat for threatened Chinook salmon is a priority for salmon recovery in WRIA 8, the Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish watershed. In addition to their recreational, scenic, and shoreline protection benefits, natural shorelines provide much-needed food and shelter for salmon migrating through Lake Sammamish and Lake Washington on their way to the ocean.

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